Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Trinity Ann Garcia, part 2

1 sleep deprived mommy + 1 huge ugly deadline at work + 1 dog with a gimp = 1 overly emotional blog entry

The short story about Trinity is that she has a wound on her back paw that's about a month old. The vet thinks she has a spider bite. All we know is that she's been uncomfortable and alternately bleeding and infected. I'll save you the details, but it's been several trips to the vet and more money than I want to consider. All for a damn spider bite.

I wasn't too worried about her until last night when MrG said he was afraid she was going to lose her leg. Cue the dark scary music and let the waterworks commence.

I was too freaked out to sleep well - after all, that sweet dog snuggled against me under the covers could be losing her leg. Heavens, what if she's so badly infected that she dies? Oh my gosh, is she breathing right now? What will we do when we lose her? LittleG will be crushed. Can she breathe under there? Rewind. Repeat. Rewind. Repeat. You get the picture.

Anyway, Dr B (http://183animalhospital.com/) the world's greatest vet, by the way, says she is improving but we need to keep an eye on her. Another shot, another chunk of cash, and she's home with us tonight. Thank heavens.

We are boarding her for the Annual 4th of July Pilgrimage to Pecos to visit Los Abuelos and the Tias, so she will be in good hands over the weekend.

Keep your fingers crossed and whisper a novena to St. Francis of Assisi that our sweet girl gets better soon. And if you would, please, say your prayers and pass the prozac that I make it through it all.

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